2024 Impact Report

Investing in the Future of Haiti

In 2024, your support and generosity made a transformative impact in Haiti. Together, we provided resources and opportunities that empowered individuals, strengthened communities, and brought hope to countless lives.

Total Dollars Invested: $327,475

Your generous Donations and impactful fundraising events like Empty Bowls and Haiti Market Shows generated the funds that fueled this mission.

Your contributions supported four critical areas:

  1. School Operations: $248,627 (Donations and Profit from Haiti Market events)

    1. Ensuring 700+ students received education, meals, and hope for a brighter future.

    2. Employment of 60 staff

  2. Job Creation: $22,516 (Profit from Haiti Market events)

    1. Creating sustainable livelihoods for artisans and local workers through programs that empower families.

  3. Community Projects: $12,519 (Profit from Haiti Market events)

    1. Meals for special holidays, including Mother’s Day, Christmas, and Independence Day.

    2. Relief efforts for those affected by the hurricane in the South Department.

    3. Providing school supplies for displaced families, ensuring children could continue their education.

  4. Young Life Camp Experiences: $21,479 (Profit from Haiti Market events)

    1. Sending 171 kids to Young Life Camp, where they experienced joy, belonging, and spiritual growth.

Our Mission in Action

Through these investments, we’ve:

  • Improved access to education and daily nourishment.

  • Expanded local employment opportunities, fostering self-reliance.

  • Enhanced community development efforts with long-lasting benefits.

  • Introduced the next generation to the life-changing love of Christ.

Thank you for partnering with us in this mission. Your generosity fuels this life-transforming work and inspires hope for Haiti’s future.

Together, we are building a brighter tomorrow in Haiti!

A Creative Solution to a Funding Shortage

Haiti remains under a State of Emergency, and the situation in Port-au-Prince is still dire. Despite the presence of Kenyan forces, violence continues to impact the civilian population. In these challenging times, the care we provide is more essential than ever.

This month, we’ve registered 979 students for the school year starting on October 1st. Although gang activity has delayed some families, we expect to reach our full capacity of 1,000 children as conditions improve.

Unfortunately, over the last several months, we’ve experienced a notable decline in donations. To continue providing meals and support, we kindly ask you to share our mission with a friend or family member.

In response to the funding shortfall, we've found a creative solution: Vita Mamba, a nutritious peanut butter supplement made in Haiti by Haitians, using locally grown peanuts.

By replacing one rice and beans meal ($0.45) with a Vita Mamba bar ($0.24) once a week, we can save $720 each month. This small change helps us continue feeding children while also supporting local Haitian farmers and jobs.

To help us meet our shortfall please consider a GIFT toward feeding kids!

Summer Days in Haiti

Despite the State of Emergency….Life goes on and “we find our strength in God to continue our work.” - Chedrick, School Director

Teachers and Young Life leaders organized a vibrant summer day camp for over 60 kids in August. Check out the pictures below to see all the fun, including delicious food, games, competitions, and a curriculum called Shine! Thanks to your support and investment in the youth of Haiti—when they thrive, the nation prospers.

Speaking of Young Life, many of our staff spent the summer working at Young Life camps across Haiti, serving 1,600 teenagers. These camps offered an incredible experience filled with fun, adventure, and the opportunity to discover God’s love for them.

There is always cheering after the final group photo and distribution of Bibles.

A heartfelt thanks for your continued support and prayers for the nation of Haiti and her people. Your support truly makes a difference!

Welcome to the New Cafeteria

For the past 42 years, we have fed the students by having each class come through our small kitchen, take a plate of food, and return to their classroom to eat. As you can imagine, this was a very slow process.

Thanks to a generous gift, we built a Food Distribution Center that accommodates 180 kids at once, greatly improving the efficiency of our meal service. The students LOVE eating and socializing with friends in the new space, as you can see from these photos taken at the Grand Opening of the Cafeteria!

Even amidst the challenges Haiti is facing, this week was one to CELEBRATE! The staff was so excited they made a banner and hung balloons. The kids eagerly waited outside, ready to enter the new space. In a country where 4.2 Million people face severe hunger, you are helping us feed children!

We are reminded of God's faithfulness and unwavering love for His people. Thank you for standing with us to support the Haitian people in their time of great need.

Haiti in Crisis | State of Emergency

The news from Haiti is heartbreaking and desperate...The country of Haiti has been under distress for several years since the President was assassinated in July 2021. But, in the past week, it has spun more out of control, particularly in the capital. Violence erupted on the streets at a new level as gang leaders are calling for the resignation of Haiti's Prime Minister, Ariel Henry. While Henry flew to Kenya to sign papers for international troops to land in Haiti, the streets of Port-au-Prince erupted. The international airport was attacked and so were prisons, resulting in 4,000+ prisoners escaping. A state of emergency was declared and is now extended through April 3. It is a very tense time and people are fearing for their lives. The small community of Pele has stayed relatively calm but all schools are closed. We plan to provide food for the community as soon as it is possible.

A note from Chedrick, School Director:

"Imagine that people call the area where I live the area of death and no one wants to come there at this time. That makes us understand the reality of Psalm 23. God is always there for our protection. Yesterday some gangs were killed in my neighborhood by police people because they were fighting against the police. It is not safe to walk in the streets because anyone can be a victim at any time.

We continue to stay very low in our home because the shotguns continue.

Keep continuing to pray for us and we continue to hope for a better tomorrow for Haiti where the love of God can reign."

Please join us in prayer

SAFETY • for the staff, teachers, and families of students as many people must hide in their homes and have to make decisions whether to stay or flee. There is no place to go because all exits of the city are blocked by gangs and the gangs seem to be systematically terrorizing neighborhoods.

NEEDS • most people in Haiti rely on "daily bread" and when the country is locked down they cannot go out for food and clean water. It is dire and people are suffering. Humanitarian aid is desperately needed.

RESOLUTION • the conflict is complex and no one seems to know the answer to what will bring resolution but we PRAY for it and hold fast to the truth that God knows all, nothing is out of his control, He is our hope, and the spirit of the Lord brings justice and freedom!

With 42 years invested in the Pele community, our commitment remains strong. We'll keep providing education, nourishing children, and sharing the hope and love of Christ with our Haitian family.

Thank you for partnering with us to stand with Haiti.

2023 Impact Report!

Our Mission: 

  • We fund the operations of The Good Shepherd School in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

  • We support the projects of local leaders to improve living conditions in the areas of water, food, and sanitation.

  • We support the work of Young Life Haiti to bring spiritual transformation to the lives of young people.

$303,747 Total Investment in Haiti

(Donations + Fundraising Events + Made-in-Haiti Product Sales)

$263,332 - Good Shepherd School Operations

$12,925 - Special Projects

$27,490 - Send Kids to YL Camp in Haiti

These dollars translate to

  • 59 salaried employees

  • 972 Kids in school

  • 114,000 meals served

  • 10 special projects in the community (food distribution, helping displaced families find a new home)

  • 25+ artisans receiving work

THANK YOU! Thank you for your generous gifts to support the work on Haiti Child Sponsorship! Your donations make a difference in the lives of families in Haiti!

Take Action for Haiti

We want to provide you with a way you can TAKE ACTION for our friends in Haiti. The daily news from Haiti is not covering the extent of the reality in Haiti. If you would like to USE YOUR VOICE to ADVOCATE for Haiti here are some facts and resources:

Report from Haiti Health Network


SAMPLE LETTER to share (Modified from another Haiti Mission)

Dear (fill in the name of your representative),

As one of your constituents, I believe that God appoints leaders to govern nations, and I respect the stewardship of your office. Your words carry immense weight as one with significant influence in the U.S. government. I am one of thousands of Americans who support one of the estimated 10,000 NGOs and missions in Haiti. I am urging you today, to consider extending aid to the people of Haiti who are suffering from merciless acts of violence. 

Since the assassination of President Moise on July 7, 2021, Haiti has plunged into a state of disarray with no stable government in place. The absence of publicly elected officials has left the country vulnerable and effectively operating as a failed state. The surge in gang activity has been marked by horrific violence, including kidnappings, rapes, looting, and murders. This situation has forced many families to flee their homes. 

The people of Haiti do not deserve to live like this. No one does. I support military intervention, UN operation, or at least a contracted force that can help to restore order. I am not requesting the United States solve the crisis, but rather, to lend a hand in creating a peaceful environment.

As human beings, we are all created in the image of God, and it's our moral obligation to stand up for those who have been silenced. I implore you to take action and be a voice for the voiceless, to provide the Haitian people with the hope they desperately need. 

Thank you.

SHARE WITH OTHERS in your sphere of influence to do the same.


GIVE to help us keep the school running normally and help those in need.

Songs of Praise from the Students

Recently the school celebrated its Annual Assembly where they give thanks to God, and pray for their sponsors, their teachers, their leaders, and their country. Enjoy these sweet voices led by our own graduate of the school and current administrator, Lovely.

Students sing “You give me life and you dry my eyes; you are still there. You are the faithful God. Your mercy will not end. God's compassion is new every morning, new every morning.”

2022 Impact Report

2022 was a very challenging year. Thanks to God and our generous donors and creative fundraising efforts Haiti Child Sponsorship was able to invest in our mission values throughout 2022!

Our Goal: 

  • We fund the operations of The Good Shepherd School in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

  • We support the projects of local leaders to improve living conditions in the areas of water, food, and sanitation.

  • We support the work of Young Life Haiti to bring spiritual transformation to the lives of young people.

$286,956 Total Investment to bring hope to Haiti
from General Donations + Empty Bowls + Haiti Market Goods Sales

$235,842 - Good Shepherd School Operations

  • 59 teachers, administrators, cooks, and other support staff have jobs to care for their families

  • 1339 students enrolled in school K - 13th grade for the first half of 2022

  • 33 students celebrated a milestone in their lives - Graduating High School!!

  • 159,000 meals were prepared and served up by the cooks to hungry students

$26,114 - Crisis Relief: During this current political, economic, and social crisis, we have been able to assist people

  • 200+ families given food assistance

  • Direct cash assistance to the teachers and staff to combat the 40% inflation rate.

  • Installing solar lights in dark areas to increase security

  • Medical care

$25,000 - Send kids to Young Life Summer Outreach Camp to share the love of Christ


Your faithful, generous support made a huge difference in thousands of lives from Kindergartners to High School Graduates, Teachers, Cooks, administrators, artisans and so many more!

News from Haiti

Many of you ask where we get our news from Haiti. Of course, we receive first-hand news from the ground from our staff living and working in Haiti.

Other news sources that frequently post and we find helpful include:
The Miami Herald Haiti section
The Washington Post
BBC News/Haiti

US Institute of Peace Report 6/how-break-stalemate-haiti

Overseas, a weekly podcast by a US missionary serving in the medical field. Find Overseas on your favorite podcast app, Spotify, Apple.

Current Events:

1. Since September 12, the security situation has dramatically worsened in Haiti following a government announcement that fuel subsidies were ending. Violence, protests, roadblocks, damaged communications infrastructure, and fuel shortages pose grave operational and logistical challenges for Haiti and the organizations providing services.

2. The instability leaves people at increased risk. As employers and social services close down, families are running out of food and health care services.

3. We aren’t going anywhere. The Good Shepherd School is run by Haitians and they are doing their best to serve the community of Pele. While we are following the government mandate that schools remain closed for the time being, the staff is checking in on teachers and the community and the teachers and staff are receiving paychecks.

Changing the Headlines in Haiti

A recent headline in The Haitian Times read SUMMERTIME IN HAITI LAMENTEDThe article shared how many youth activities that once made summer in Haiti a memorable experience have been canceled, interrupted, or marred by violence.


While this headline is true, we are making our own headlines by defying the odds and doing our best to serve hot meals in the community and take kids to camp.

Most of you know, that our school director, Chedrick Caneus, pictured below in the bright green shirt, also leads YoungLife in Haiti. The students at the school had the opportunity to attend summer outreach camp.

Manica is a recent graduate of the Good Shepherd School. This summer she spent a week at camp serving on the work crew washing dishes as part of a leadership training program.

Empty Bowls Event Provides 20,000 Meals

Empty Bowls is a grassroots movement by artists and craftspeople in cities and towns around the world to raise money for food-related charities to care for and feed the hungry. At the St Thomas More School in Decatur, Georgia, the students and families raised funds for The Good Shepherd School feeding program.

A visit to St Thomas More School is an experience! The walls are filled with artwork and photos from around the world. You can sense the school mission is being lived out —
“a joyful learning community reaching out to the world as the hands of Christ.”

Mrs. Miller’s art classes all participate! Even the teachers make bowls. This year the bowls were shaped from clay and handpainted. Students make posters, other Haitian-style art and learn about Haiti and hunger. The families are encouraged to eat a simple meal and donate the savings to help provide meals at the Good Shepherd School. So far funds have been raised to feed the students lunch for 18 days! That’s 1200 meals a day for 18 days! We are very grateful to the staff, students, and families at STM for providing meals that make for a healthy learning environment.

Haitian taxis, called, Tap Taps, are created from cardboard boxes and sequin art!

2021 Impact Report

Thanks to you, despite the challenges and changes, Haiti Child Sponsorship was able to invest in our mission values throughout 2021!

What We Do: 

  • We fund the operations of The Good Shepherd School in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

  • We support the projects of local leaders to improve living conditions in the areas of water, food, and sanitation.

  • We support the work of Young Life Haiti to bring spiritual transformation to the lives of young people.

Wow-what a year! In 2021 we were able to invest $337,250 to bring hope to Haiti.

Good Shepherd School Operations: $276,300

  • 59 teachers, administrators, cooks, and other support staff have jobs to care for their families

  • 1339 students enrolled in school K - 13th grade

  • 30 students celebrated a milestone in their lives - Graduating High School!!

  • 194,400+ meals were prepared and served up by the cooks to hungry students

  • We kept the generators running during the gas shortage!

School Improvements: $17,000 with funds on reserve for new food distribution center

  • 4 Classrooms were added to the school to house our growing high school population.

Disaster Relief: Last year we assisted people during Covid. This year it was after the earthquake and during the gas shortage: $27,250

  • 20 homes repaired

  • 4 homes were built from the ground up with all materials purchased in Haiti

  • 20 local construction workers employed

  • 100 families provided Christmas meal and gifts and a large bag of rice

  • 200+ families given food assistance

Special Projects / Designated Gifts - many of you designated your gift to special projects throughout the year above and beyond general giving: $16,700

  • Helped Wooby start a business

  • Hosted a Graduation party for our first class of 12th grade (13th in Haiti) High School students

  • Christmas party at the school for all the children and staff

  • Staff Christmas bonuses

  • Assistance for teachers and staff during the gas crisis

  • Funds for 50 families to purchase food to make Soup Joumou on New Year’s Day, a Haitian tradition

In addition to General Donations above, we Creatively Fundraise to Invest and Re-invest in Haiti

$72,000 invested in Haitian artisan communities and businesses providing jobs resulted in $65,000 In profit to reinvest into our Mission

  • $25,000 reinvested to send 347 kids to Young Life camp in Haiti

  • $33,500 reinvested into the school operations budget

  • $6500 reinvested into special projects


Your faithful, generous support made a huge difference in thousands of lives from Kindergartners to High School Graduates, Teachers, Cooks, administrators, artisans and so many more!

Earthquake Update and ways to support


While our main goal is to support the operations of The Good Shepherd School in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, serving 1200 students and families we also support the projects of local leaders to improve living conditions in Haiti (food, water, sanitation, natural disasters, etc).

The school in Port-au-Prince was not affected.

Your donation will support the efforts of 2 Haitian leaders that we know and trust:

1. Steeven Bien-Amie, a graduate of the school who is currently the South Bloc Director with Young Life. His wife, Jeni is a teacher at the school.

Phase 1:

  • Organize local leaders to care for kids and families who are a part of the Young Life ministry in Jeremie, Les Cayes, and Aquin, areas most affected.

  • They will repair homes, purchase and distribute supplies like food, water.

UPDATE: We have been able to give much-needed rebuilding materials and food supplies to 14 leaders in the area whose homes were damaged. ($1500)

2. Joseph Roberson, "Wooby", a community advocate whose family from Les Cayes has suffered damage to homes and injuries.

Phase 1:

  • Purchase and distribute much-needed supplies to Les Cayes.

  • Organize clean-up efforts of local neighborhoods.

UPDATE: Wooby has been to the area 3 times and has formed a team of local workers to repair homes. It cost about $800 per day to restore 2 houses damaged by the earthquake. We have supported his work to give this help to 18 families to date. ($7200)

We are now building 2 homes for 2 families. Not just wrapping tarps around them but rebuilding with wood and tin. One family has 14 people living at the house and the other has a newborn and a father in a wheelchair. We are happy to help support these families and share the love of Christ for our neighbors. Love one another! (a new home costs about $3700 for materials and labor.)

UPDATE: With your donations to this fund, 4 homes were built from the ground up restoring people’s lives by giving them a beautiful new place to live and hope in humanity and God! On Christmas eve, Wooby and his friends distributed rice and shared meals and gifts (Joys as Wooby calls them) with 100 families providing a happy Christmas for all. Loving others is what Christmas is all about. We love because He first loved us!


Recent photos from Wooby….

Pray for Haiti - July 7 Assassination of the President

We are deeply concerned and saddened at the attack on the President of Haiti. President Jovenal Moise was assassinated in his home on July 7th. We are talking with our staff and learning more.... The students were finished with school and a graduation ceremony was held last week. Our Young Life staff was at the last day of summer camp with 270 campers and made it safely home from the Center Department and are now sheltering in place.

Please pray with us for our friends in Haiti who have suffered so much unrest over the past several years. And for the future of Haiti which is uncertain. Thankful our God is certain! We are certain of His love, care, faithfulness, and desire for justice and peace! Thank you for supporting the school and ministry at this time with your prayers and support.

These news outlets are providing good coverage:




We also are enjoying a Podcast called OVERSEAS by our friend Dr. Tram Jones, an UGA and Emory graduate serving as a doctor in Haiti at a medical clinic. His insights and stories are fascinating.


Charlie Scott Health Updates

January 17 Charlie’s 85th Birthday. Charlie writes —

These last six months have been perhaps the most difficult time in my life. Back in May, I was diagnosed with a staph infection that had moved into my spinal cord. The damage to my spine was very significant. After four surgeries and the whole summer in the hospital, I was able to go home paralyzed from the waist down. At this point, I am at home and both Rehab and Occupational Therapist are working with me Mon. thru Friday. I am hoping to be able to walk again by this summer.

This has been a teaching time in my life in several ways. I always took walking for granted but not anymore. I have come to appreciate the ministries to the physically challenged folk around us including Young Life’s amazing Capernaum ministry. I have spent more time in prayer for myself, my friends and family, and for Haiti. Finally, my family has been amazingly supportive in taking care of me.

In the meantime, I am enormously thankful for many of you who have prayed for me. And I am so thankful for your continued support for our school in Haiti. And we are having a great school year, thanks to you!

August 2021

Thank you for the concerns, prayers, calls, etc expressed for Charlie and Mary Scott, our founders, as Charlie has had recent medical issues. After a staph infection lodged in his spine, Charlie has had 2 surgeries. The latest, a spinal fusion, has alleviated much pain and repaired a fractured vertebrae. Charlie is in on the Rehab floor of the hospital near his home gaining strength every day. He is surrounded by his children and wife as they provide extra care and encouragement for him.

We will post updates here. But to learn more of his journey, please visit Charlie’s Facebook page or any of the children’s pages.

September 10 HOMECOMING!!

Charlie made it home after 4 months in the hospital! It was a grand homecoming and he and Mary are reunited. They have a long road ahead but will travel it together. Thank you to all who have donated to the GoFundMe account to help make Charlie living at home with 24-hour nursing care possible. We are grateful.

September 5

Charlie had surgery again to replace the rods in his spine that had become infected due to his incision not healing properly. He is currently recovering in the hospital. No visitors are allowed due to Covid protocol. The doctors have approved his discharge to the Presbyterian Village nursing care unit but the family wants him to go to his home in the village to be with Mary and the family. In order for this to happen, a social worker has to approve the medical care plan. Thanks for all the prayers and words of encouragement.

August 17

Charlie is doing well. However, due to recent increases in Covid here, the facility is not allowing visitors for the next week or two. To keep Charlie busy, let’s send cards or emails to Wish Him Well!


Charlie and Mary Scott
1841 S Creek Drive
Austell, GA 30106

Email Us and we will have the Chaplain print them and bring them to him.

August 11

From Mary Kay Collins, Charlie’s youngest daughter:

We are out of the hospital! My dad has returned to the rehab at my parents’ retirement community. This is our 3rd try. Let’s hope 3rd time is a charm. My mom is relieved and they had a lovely dinner together and watched the Braves. We are hopeful that my dad’s incision will continue to heal, his pain will stay minimal, and that he will soon be able to focus on the hard work of rehab! After 2.5 months in the hospital, 4 surgeries, let the healing begin. Thank you all for the loving attention and prayers.

charlie and Mary close up.jpeg
scotts in Haiti.jpeg

School Assembly offers Hope to Girls

School administrators, teachers, and senior students offered words of encouragement and hope to girls at a School Assembly honoring International Women’s Day! The 3-hour assembly consisted of dancing and song, words of encouragement to pursue their dreams, and how to have healthy relationships with the opposite sex.

2020 Review

Merry Christmas from Haiti Child Sponsorship.png

Despite the challenges of 2020, with YOUR DONATIONS we accomplished our 3 goals. THANK YOU!

To fund the operations of The Good Shepherd School

·       Kept our doors open to 1200 students as the government allowed

·       Continued to feed students on a daily basis when school was in session

·       Employed 59 teachers and administrators

·       Finished construction of 3 additional classrooms and a Library

·       Purchased a generator to improve power and electricity at the school


To support the work of Young Life Haiti to bring spiritual transformation to the lives of young people

·       Hosted Young Life club on our school campus

·       Helped send students to Young Life camp


To support the projects of local leaders to improve living conditions in the areas of water, food, and sanitation

·       Provided masks for all teachers and staff families

·       Provided extra bonus for all teachers and staff during economic crisis

·       Provided a safe refuge at the school for local families during gang violence in the streets

·       Provided food, Clorox and masks for 100 mother's on Mother's Day

·       Provided a Christmas celebration (food and gifts) for 150 local families

·       Provided for the needs of a community of displaced families after a fire destroyed homes.

How to set up AMAZON SMILE to give back to Haiti Child Sponsorship

Did you know that a portion of your purchases from AMAZON SMILE can benefit the Good Shepherd School?

Amazon Smile Logo.png

Follow these instructions:

  1. Download the AMAZON App on your phone

  2. Go to Settings

  3. Click on AmazonSmile

  4. Turn on AmazonSmile

  5. Search for CHILD SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM (our official legal name)

  6. Choose CHILD SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM as your charity

  7. Start shopping to make a difference!

If you prefer to shop on your computer, simply visit SMILE.AMAZON.COM to make a difference with your purchases.