There is lots of good news to share this month:
The water cistern is complete and children have free use of the water fountains all day long! A big Thank You to Grace Covenant Church and some faithful individuals who were determined to see this project through!
Chedrick, our School Director, made his first visit to the United States stopping for a short weekend in Atlanta on his way to a Young Life Latin America/Caribbean gathering for key leaders. He had a full weekend meeting with our friends and supporters at Presbyterian Village, seeing YL camp in action in north Georgia, speaking at a church and visiting the Martin Luther King Jr. Center in Atlanta.
Our impact is growing. Students at the Tent City School received new uniforms, water tanks in the community were filled, peanut butter sandwiches were shared and a new "Keep the Canals Clean" initiative was started by a recent trip participant. Thanks to all who specifically give to help the residents of Tent City lead a better life.
Nothing says LOVE like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich!
Charlie and Mary Scott, Founders Haiti Child Sponsorship
Chedrick Caneus, Good Shepherd School Director
Julie Scott, Christy Howard, U.S. Program Coordinators