Good news! Our 9th-grade class received a 91% passing grade on the National Exam. And even better, thanks to you and some very special gifts, we are adding the tenth-grade class at the school! These 60 students will be able to continue their education at The Good Shepherd School. Without the addition of the 10th grade, most would likely have had to drop out due to the cost. Your gifts made it possible for us to hire ten new teachers for the tenth-grade students.
More good news! Ten kids from our school joined about 20 other kids from Pele as they enjoyed a Jenn Vi (Young Life) week of camp. We are excited to report that nearly 1000 kids attended camp this summer. As you know, the Jenn Vi ministry is a direct product of our school.
Perhaps a first at a summer many kids went to the last camp that there was no room in "dorms" for them to sleep. So, the buses were turned into camper rooms for the overflow for the week. The camps were a wonderful time for every kid who attended.
Lucner, a teacher at the school, and campers at Young Life summer camp!