The Haitian Ministry of Education has mandated all schools to open in August. We are very excited to welcome our students back to finish last year and begin the coming semester but we know it will need to look different due to the pandemic. The Good Shepherd School administrators met together to determine the best way to return to school safely. Because we have such a large enrollment, over 1200 students, we need your help to provide the best possible environment for the students and staff. We have developed this "Return to School Safely" Giving Catalog to detail the needs --
Our plan to help with social distancing:
We are asking the preschool parents to keep their children at home to open up classroom space
Every other grade level will be split into 2 classes to better social distance
We are adding 2 hours to the day to help facilitate a new teaching schedule
Classroom needs:
2500 Masks for students and staff / $1 each
12 Hand-washing Stations (soap, water, bleach buckets, blocks etc) / $40 each
50 Healthy Class Kits (3 school thermometers, sanitizer, gloves, etc) / $20 each
20 extra teachers or extra pay for existing teachers to add classes / $50 each
Extra funding for daily meals
This is always an ongoing need as we work to feed EVERY student Every day / $300 per day
Thank you in advance for partnering with us to Return to School Safely!